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& Interventions 


Two accommodations that can be used to support refugees in the workplace are to offer mentor programs and on-the-job specific skill training. Assigning refugee employees with a mentor who can help them adjust to U.S. office culture, practice their English, and develop a meaningful and reliable connection (Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS), 2018). Companies should offer specific skill training because “refugees may have a skills deficit due to changing fields, gaps in employment due to displacement, and different technologies” (Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS), 2018).


Two interventions that can support refugees in the workplace are to provide healthcare and mental health support and restructure the organization's culture to accept refugee employee's culture. "Several rigorous impact evaluations have shown that short-term therapy interventions can improve the mental health of refugees and IDPs" (Schuettler & Caron, 2020). Restructuring the organization's culture has to start at the top of the food chain with the CEO, CFO, and lead executives. Implementing these interventions will increase the productivity and performance rate of all employee 

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